In the sixth layer, absorption by water vapor is nowhere more than 5%. But absorption by CO2 remains strong. As before, we say our 3-km layer is opaque at a particular wavelength when it absorbs more than 63% of that wavelength, and is transparent otherwise. The sixth 3-km layer is opaque from 14.3 to 15.7 μm and transparent otherwise. The fifth layer, immediately below, is opaque to 14.2 to 15.8 μm. It radiates in these wavelengths also. The sixth layer absorbs 90% of the heat radiated upwards by the fifth layer, but the remaining 10% will pass out into space.
The fifth and sixth layers are at the same temperature. We did not make up the temperatures, pressures, and concentrations we use in our 3-km atmospheric layers. We obtained them from actual measurements of the Earth's atmosphere.
We have talked at length about the tropopause that exists at the top of the convection cycle in an atmospheric greenhouse. In our simple examples, the tropopause marks the top of the convection cycle, and occurs when the atmosphere above becomes so thin as to allow heat to radiate directly into space. The Earth's atmosphere is not so simple as in our examples. Above 12 km, the Earth's atmosphere is transparent to most long-wave radiation, but remains opaque in the narrow band that is absorbed by CO2. At a high enough altitude, this CO2 will become thin enough that it becomes transparent. But the tropopause of the Earth's atmosphere appears to occur at a lower altitude. It occurs when the atmosphere is transparent to over 90% of long-wave radiation.
In later posts, we will see how absorption by ozone in the stratosphere effects our greenhouse convection cycle. In the meantime, we will accept that there is very little change in temperature from altitude 12 km to 18 km, and therefore these altitudes mark the top of the Earth's greenhouse convection cycle.