We started our Circulating Cells program (CC11) in its equilibrium state for 350 W/m2 solar power (RC_14000hr), and reduced the solar power to 100 W/m2. The following graph shows surface air temperature and atmospheric cloud depth for the first five hundred hours.
In the first ten hours, the surface temperature drops by a few degrees. This is what we might expect during one of Earth's nights. After three hundred hours, the surface temperature has dropped to −5°C and there are hardly any clouds left in the sky. The following graph shows the world cooling down to a new, clear-sky equilibrium of −50°C. The graph also shows the solar power penetrating to the surface. Once the sky clears, the penetration is exactly equal to 100 W/m2. We saved the final state of the atmosphere in RC_100W.
We conclude that 100 W/m2 is insufficient solar power to warm the Earth above the freezing point of water, and therefore insufficient solar power to generate the cycle of evaporation and precipitation that stabilizes our climate.
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